The real role of Free Women in Gorean society is one of the most misinterpreted aspects on Gor. This misunderstanding is constantly being revived by various factors. First of all, by the language in most books that all women should be slaves. Second, a cursory reading of the books reveals that almost all of the important characters of free women, who are often haughty, end up as slaves. And third, there is the myth that male dominance on Gor is absolute. These three reasons combine to twist the reader's view of the free women of Gor. It is only through a deeper study of the Books of Gor that one understands the true complexity of the role of free women on Gor. They are far more than potential slaves.
The vast majority of women on Gor are free women. Only 2-3% of all women are actually slaves. This statistic alone speaks volumes about the status of free women in Gorean society. Despite all the rhetoric, Goreans do not fall into such platitudes and enslave most of their wives. They don't even enslave a significant proportion of their wives. There must be compelling reasons to support this attitude. Free women must be able to fill important roles that slave women cannot fill. The demand for these roles must exceed the demand for slaves.
Publisher. Bryjana Thoredottier
"I am a free woman," she said. "I can speak as I please."
I could not gainsay her in this. She was free. She could, accordingly, say what she wished, and without requiring permission.
Mercenaries of Gor

Ven is a small town belongs to the Vosk League. It is a river port on the south bank of the Vosk and the last city west on the south bank before the delta. Ven lies at the confluence of the Thassa-Cartius and the Vosk.
Its bright and southern appearance invites you to linger. The inhabitants are particularly characterized by their hospitality towards strangers.
Nobody feels strange here and the city has been run by the Tatrix Malika Tahgvaie for 4 years with a strong hand and yet with her gentle nature.
And on this event celebrating the 4th anniversary of the city of Ven, the Gorean moons Gazette heartily congratulates and thanks for the invitation so that I can now write this report for you.
Arriving at the port, I was greeted by the festive atmosphere. Music emanated from every alleyway and the hustle and bustle pushed people towards the fairground.
The fairground was decorated with pillars, cloths and ribbons and long, richly set tables with all the delicacies of Gor, which left nothing to be desired in terms of visual and culinary delights. In the center was a stage in the shape of a huge open book.
Many guests were already enjoying themselves at the long tables in front of the stage, the musicians played their instruments masterfully and the singers delighted our ears with their lovely voices.
Malika Tahgvaie, the Tatrix of Ven, opened the festival with a heart-rending speech, which I'll attach separately below.
Glorious congratulations from all mouths met the Tatrix after the end of her touching speech.
Afterwards, the Kajira of Ven performed a dance in honor of the city. Graceful movements of the beauties made some of the men gasp. Their dance with the black ribbons, which presented a story, was surrounded by a special atmosphere. Thunderous applause was rewarded by the graceful dancers.
At a late hour the guests left the city and spent the night in the inns.
It was a successful celebration, accompanied by splendor and beauty. I wish the city many more years and the protection of the gods, whatever gods they may be, whatever gods one worships, they should give this city their blessings!!
Malika Tahgvaie: It is always an exciting time to celebrate a birthday, and so it is, with the greatest joy that I welcome everyone who is here to celebrate the 4th year of life of the city of Ven. I clearly remember our arrival in this land, it was all new, a great undertaking for three determined freestylers, two Scribes, a Builder and a slave, yes it was without a doubt a great start, with many fun moments and others not so much, however little by little others came adding knowledge and our great adventure has extended to the present day, more precisely to this moment. I am honored to see among everyone here new friends, friends of friends and long-time friends, including those who helped build her first walls and buildings. I record here my gratitude to all the Free and Slaves of Ven for the faithfulness, respect and affection used daily to keep the foundations of our beloved city unshakable. As well as to the friends who helped us and who are no longer among us, go to them, in the same way and with the same gratitude, my most sincere thanks. Let's start this unique moment, our party begins and soon we will have the dance performance of the kajirae de Vem, prepared with great care to brighten our night even more. our city, as well as wines and other beverages were selected in our distillery with the intention of pleasing all palates. Today is a day of joy and celebration, so let's celebrate...Welcome everyone to the city of Ven!!! Thanks
Kajirae Dance TanyaMontevy walks excitedly to the center of the dance floor and smiles happily ڿڰۣ-ღ Esther ღ-ڿڰۣ-ڿ shakes the black veils in the colors of the city and Salutes the Free Gifts during these very special data Leena smiles as the rays of Lar Torvis dance with the sisters to honor the town's birthday ڿڰۣ-ღ Esther ღ-ڿڰۣ-ڿ feels the little feet slide in the cadenced rhythm of the Master Musicians' beats on the instruments the rattle vibrates non-stop Eshe happily, to the free the table waving the black silks happy for this city celebration day Leena: the veils flutter around the body, floating harmoniously with the sway of the captive's hips ღ Kym ღ: Opens a charming smile on angelic face, slender body swaying while happily twirling. the heart beating full of love and gratitude for being part of this sostive day, radiant glimpses the free and kajiri gifts - Greetings!! wish happy ڿڰۣ-ღ Esther ღ-ڿڰۣ-ڿ opens a huge smile of joy. Feels the heart to the pulses in the fragile chest, while the sed undulates. Eshe the golden locks as the rays of Lar-torvism sway blown by the breeze of the Vosk in cadence with the curvaceous body dancing with the other captives ڿڰۣ-ღ Esther ღ-ڿڰۣ-ڿ shakes the well-made body, and smile for the Free. Shakes the long red hair. Raises the soft voice in the rhythm of the drums "Long Live Ven, may these and many years ahead" Leena luminous, all the movements dance and moved, the diaphanous silk shows while the eyes move there to the captive's movement5. ღ Kym ღ wide hips sway to the beat of the music Eshe the gray eyes cast by the face....Long live the beloved!! SelenaDacios pt>en the gray eyes let the tears of happiness roll down her face....Long live the beloved Ven!! Resident SelenaDacios in the gray eyes let the tears of happiness roll down her face. ...long live beloved ven!![13:27] Leena happy to be allowed to power on this special day "Long live city of Ven" she screams as she dances with her sisters in harmony Leena smiles happy to dance on this special day "Long live the city of Ven", she exclaims as she dances in harmony with her sisters.