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The real role of Free Women in Gorean society is one of the most misinterpreted aspects on Gor. This misunderstanding is constantly being revived by various factors. First of all, by the language in most books that all women should be slaves. Second, a cursory reading of the books reveals that almost all of the important characters of free women, who are often haughty, end up as slaves. And third, there is the myth that male dominance on Gor is absolute. These three reasons combine to twist the reader's view of the free women of Gor. It is only through a deeper study of the Books of Gor that one understands the true complexity of the role of free women on Gor. They are far more than potential slaves.
The vast majority of women on Gor are free women. Only 2-3% of all women are actually slaves. This statistic alone speaks volumes about the status of free women in Gorean society. Despite all the rhetoric, Goreans do not fall into such platitudes and enslave most of their wives. They don't even enslave a significant proportion of their wives. There must be compelling reasons to support this attitude. Free women must be able to fill important roles that slave women cannot fill. The demand for these roles must exceed the demand for slaves.
Publisher. Bryjana Thoredottier
"I am a free woman," she said. "I can speak as I please."
I could not gainsay her in this. She was free. She could, accordingly, say what she wished, and without requiring permission.
Mercenaries of Gor
Cloudy Thoughts
Many trips, many countries and cities lie between my last report, weeks and months of hard work and city recruitment, but also very successful !!
We were already known in many, and people are expecting us, word got around quickly, our Gazette, the Gorean Moons. Now here I am, sitting at my desk in Gorean Moon's main office, going through all the new agreements, when my gaze falls on the calendar and my heart stops. I do the math in disbelief and the result stays the same. Our FC contract ends in less than 2 hands, oh how time has flown!
The contract ends, it screams in my head and I can't think of anything else, how it will go on then.Will Darian extend the contract? Why hasn't he said anything yet? Is he aware that it will end soon? Or was he so engrossed in his work that he didn't notice how quickly the time was passing?Questions over questions rush into my head and distract me from work.What should I do? Ask Darian about the imminent end of the contract? Shake your head at this thought question. No, my pride wouldn't allow it.Will I then become Thoredottier again, driven out of the oasis, or will I be able to stay and continue my work.I don't know what will happen if Darian doesn't renew.Maybe I can continue working as a Thoredottier and I'll get a job and move into the tarot house.Oh how these thoughts hurt, I love this man so much, more than my life, and his words of feelings were always open to me. That he loves me. But what if ..........................?.................NO ,I don't want to think that another woman is already waiting for Darian to be free.Hopes that all will be well are burgeoning, I shouldn't doubt, if the gods decide I'll go my way, no matter where it's going.All I can do is wait and hope.
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