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The real role of Free Women in Gorean society is one of the most misinterpreted aspects on Gor. This misunderstanding is constantly being revived by various factors. First of all, by the language in most books that all women should be slaves. Second, a cursory reading of the books reveals that almost all of the important characters of free women, who are often haughty, end up as slaves. And third, there is the myth that male dominance on Gor is absolute. These three reasons combine to twist the reader's view of the free women of Gor. It is only through a deeper study of the Books of Gor that one understands the true complexity of the role of free women on Gor. They are far more than potential slaves.
The vast majority of women on Gor are free women. Only 2-3% of all women are actually slaves. This statistic alone speaks volumes about the status of free women in Gorean society. Despite all the rhetoric, Goreans do not fall into such platitudes and enslave most of their wives. They don't even enslave a significant proportion of their wives. There must be compelling reasons to support this attitude. Free women must be able to fill important roles that slave women cannot fill. The demand for these roles must exceed the demand for slaves.
Publisher. Bryjana Thoredottier
"I am a free woman," she said. "I can speak as I please."
I could not gainsay her in this. She was free. She could, accordingly, say what she wished, and without requiring permission.
Mercenaries of Gor

Unexpected Travel and a Blood Auction
Many hands and many lessons later that were filled with the knowledge of Gorean men that there is no feeling or jealousy, laws and forms where I wrote in capital letters in my scroll: “IN GOR THERE ARE NO FEELINGS !! ... So note: NEVER SHOW EMOTIONS !!! "
something unexpected happened:
Many hands and many lessons later that were filled with the knowledge of Gorean men that there is no feeling or jealousy, laws and forms where I wrote in capital letters in my scroll: “IN GOR THERE ARE NO FEELINGS !! ... So note: NEVER SHOW EMOTIONS !!! "
something unexpected happened:

Excited in my best clothes, I am waiting for Sir Darian in the harbor, the ship is on its way to Windermeer and I wriggled with impatience. Finally the tall figure of the magistrate appeared, and after the usual Gorean greeting we boarded the ship together and set sail for an adventure.
Darian, he's not as muscular as most Gorean men who walk around like they have those sharp daggers under their armpits.
No, he is tall and slender, almost two heads taller than me, because I have to lift my head a lot to look at him, surrounded by his distinctive, but delicate, sometimes soft, expressive face with steel blue eyes and long blond hair . And despite his slim stature, he looks incredibly masculine in a noble way.
In the port of Windermeer we were greeted by a hustle and bustle of men and women hurrying to the fairground, an excited babble of voices reached our ears the closer we got to the fairground.
In the hustle and bustle, we found two free seats near the dance floor, sat down and were able to rest a little from the ride before the dance and action started.
Slaves in skimpy tunics, some dressed in red silk, scuttled around the country holding up trays of refreshments they were offering.
A man in a brown tunic and long dark brown hair strode through the crowd in greeting. Stayed a little longer with one or the other free person to exchange a few words and finally passed us. He stopped and put his right hand palm up against his left shoulder: "Tal Sir, Lady, I am Penn, the administrator of this city, you are welcome to Windermeer!"
Darian said hello with a smile and took over the introduction of my person, so that I just breathed a quiet "Tal Sir Penn, nice to meet you".

A murmur went through the crowd as a beauty with light blonde hair and white silk entered the dance floor.
In one or the other eye of the men they were sitting or standing around the dance floor, a greedy demand flickered immediately, so that one could literally smell the pheromones.
The slave was announced as "Merci", the music played and Merci rocked her hips in the dance, she moved gracefully and danced in a circle always in front of the eyes and near the free.
It seemed as if she was telling a life story with her dance, expressing emotions such as pain and anger, sadness and joy, but also sexual pleasure in her movements, until she dropped exhausted on her knees as the music faded away. thunderous applause boomed over the fairground and men shouted in the name of the slave girl,
The town's slaver in his blue-gold tunic entered the area and asked all visitors to go to the auction stand. A hasty get up and whisper could be heard and soon the crowd gathered in front of a decorated slave tribune.

Sir Ret, the slaver, opened the action, praised Merci in the highest tones of praise and her qualities, which made a free woman blush and which, out of consideration for the readers, I do not want to give again here and set the auction price to 2 coppers Tarks.
The screams of the men and some women were overturned in their bids and the price shot up quickly and was now at 5 silver tarks.
My gaze wanders through the crowd and into many faces of the men, whose saliva ran together with lust in their mouths. A jolt went through my body and before I knew it I raised my hand and shouted: "10 silver"! in the hope of being able to save the poor slave's virginity.
Ret called out to the crowd, probably surprised: “Ten! Ten from the lady! "
A loud murmur went through the crowd, glances met me, partly angry, partly questioning, so I took a few steps back to hide something behind my mentor. You could hear hasty rummaging and jingling of the money bag, some disappointed “I didn't give that much” reached my ear, and I wished I had kept my mouth shut.
A loud murmur went through the crowd, glances met me, partly angry, partly questioning, so I took a few steps back to hide something behind my mentor. You could hear hasty rummaging and jingling of the money bag, some disappointed “I didn't give that much” reached my ear, and I wished I had kept my mouth shut.
But suddenly a man from the crowd shouted “12 silver” “the next“ 15 silver ”The commandments shot up and up, always praising the certain“ virtues of the girl ”and the promise of a hot night. They offered to open the girl and so only for 24 ancestors. After that, the girl returned to her owner.
The minds of the free on the square became more and more heated and so the auction closed at a proud price of: "2 Gold Tarks". Darian turned to me, I looked proudly in his eyes when he betrayed me: "Mith has the bid, Mith, my father"!
The girl would be led by her bidder, who I now knew was Darian's father, the gold changed hands and the two quickly disappeared into one of the houses, you don't have to have fantasies to imagine what was happening there .
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